Introduction: Sometime last week, Kevin DeYoung outraged the already outraged by suggesting that it is time for faithful believers to think about a new culture wars strategy. Given that he ...
Hot Gospel for Heated Times
Introduction: Inspirational thoughts go better with a sunset. What I would like to do is to bring the good news of the grace of God to those in the grip of our current imbecilities, but I would ...
The Floyd Riots as a Clear Summons for Four More Years of Trump
Introduction: If you want to know what is going on in America right now, you will need at least a couple of things. The first thing required is that you will need to be looking at it from the ...
Contagion, Cooties, and COVID-19
Introduction: One of the things that few people seem to grasp is that we are trying to deal simultaneously with two very different but equally contagious phenomenon. The first is the coronavirus itself, ...
Clueless or Complicit
Introduction: On to Super Tuesday! Over the weekend I got into a little exchange with somebody on Facebook over the radicalization that has afflicted a large part of the population, and what ...
Assemblin’, Carryin’, n’ Sayin’ Stuff
Introduction: So last Monday there was a huge rally in Virginia to protest the declared intentions of Gov. Ralph “Blackie” Northam regarding guns. The rally was supposed to erupt into World War III, or maybe that was Iran, but anyway really bad stuff was going to happen. We were promised that really bad stuff was …
The Crisis Regarding “Evangelical Fascism”
Introduction: I may as well start by giving the game away, right at the top. The central peril regarding the subject of evangelical fascism will be the mistake of coming to believe that there is such a thing. I have been raising the alarm — and will continue to raise the alarm — about …
The Evangelical Problem with Pieces and Bits
Introduction: A fragmented worldview is one that is made up of pieces and bits, and all of it thrown into a cardboard box. When something happens that calls for a response, what you do is rummage ...
Suppose for Just a Moment That Trump Takes It Walking Away
Introduction: We do not yet know if this is what will happen, but we should at least know that this is what we should be bracing for. I know, it is almost a year until the voting in the general election happens, and I also know that these months could be a political eternity. All …
2020 Vision/The Year Many Christians Began to See Clearly
Introduction: To review, things are quite a mess. Not only are they quite a mess, but it is difficult to imagine that the pickle we have gotten ourselves into would have been at all visible from the vantage point of the eighties, say. Let us pretend that some mischievous hippie back then slipped some acid …