Inspired by the spirit of our times, I have decided to throw together a gallimaufry of random observations. A salmagundi of insights, as it were, or an Eton mess of ironic inversions, a mélange of right wing virtue signaling, a potpourri of punditry. And see how you like it. This is the sort of moment …
As Smoke Ascends to Gods Who Aren’t There
Introduction: In Jonah Goldberg's most recent G-File, he has extended rumination on the distinctions between faith and belief. It was a thought-provoking piece, and so here are some thoughts on apologetics ...
The Death Cult of Expressive Individualism
Introduction: The battle of our time is the war between those who demand their right to be creators, over against those who seek to defend their right to be creatures. Everything comes down to that simple division. The Two Ways: A corollary of the first position—that we must be untrammeled creators, that we must be …
Church and Kingdom, Cathedral and Town
Sermon Video Introduction: Remember that the Spirit moves throughout the earth, converting and restoring individuals, fashioning them into saints, into believers. As His fruit is manifested in ...
America’s Stony Heart
Introduction: Hardness of heart is a sophomoric sin. And by saying this, I am saying that hardness of heart knows how to argue in the direction of what seems to be its own interests. Those arguments ...
Would There Have Been Civil Government Without the Fall?
Correction: There is an error in the sentence below, which I have struck from the essay: "Rutherford distinguishes “power of government and power of government by magistracy” (Q2, emphasis mine). ...
Allies, Co-belligerents, and Strange Bedfellows
Introduction: As our cultural . . . what shall we call it? . . . as our cultural melee continues apace, one of the problems Christians will increasingly have is the one caused by the political need ...
Putting on Our Coates Coats
Introduction: The only real science involved in all the corona-panic anymore is the science of crowd control. And however poorly our governments may have done with regard to the virus itself, having run out of rest homes to put the contagious in, they have done a marvelous job when it comes to manipulating and all-round …
Again, on Three
Introduction: When man aspires to become Deity, the nature of the folly is such that he does not start to close in on his goal. The demented vision is such that what starts happening is divergence, ...
The Fiasco of No Fear
Introduction: I am currently enjoying a book by Michael Reeves and Joel Beeke called Following God Fully: An Introduction to the Puritans. It is a marvelous book thus far, but I bring it up merely ...