Introduction: The wave is still gathering, and rising ominously, but it is not yet a breaker. It has not yet crashed onto the beach. But if you are willing to look, you can see it rising. And you can ...
Budgeting for Stupidity
Introduction: As it is quite obvious to the intelligent observer that our ruling elites are busily engaged in wrecking the country, the theories about why this is the case break into two schools of ...
Beware of Peru Rising!
Introduction: Suppose we were defending a city, and you and I and two other guys were sentries on the wall. You, of course, are a most reasonable fellow, as am I, so that's all good. But unbeknownst ...
Assuming the Center
Introduction: There is a phrase that I have used and referred to for quite a number of years now, and I believe that this would be a good time to return to an explanation of it again. That phrase is ...
Mere Christendom
Introduction: I have been arguing off and on for a few years now on behalf of a cause I call mere Christendom, meaning that Christians need to recover an understanding of the need for a distinctively ...
Kevin DeYoung and the Taxonomy of Conflict
Introduction: As we contemplate the melee that is the Reformed evangelical world today, it is very easy for the folks in the stands to get a little bewildered. As the saying goes, you can’t tell the players without a scorecard, and the different numbers on the jerseys really helps. And if ever there were a …
The Revolt of the Normals, Part 2
Introduction: One of the features of the woke spasm we are in the middle of is that saying things that were unexceptional a week or two ago might land you in a national firestorm tomorrow. Shoot, you ...
The Revolt of the Normals, Part 1
Introduction: I have been asked quite a few times how long I think that our current cultural woke spasm can continue. The answer lies somewhere in between "longer than you might think" and "not indefinitely." ...
A Stonewall Moment of Some Sort Is Needed
Introduction: I do understand that the sexual revolution has their very own version of Stonewall, the one that Obama celebrated when he said that the arc of history was turning out to be in sync with ...
Free Speech in a Christian Theocracy
Introduction: One of the reasons why the question of free speech in a hypothetical Christian republic is such an interesting topic is because it brings together all kinds of issues, and presents them ...