Introduction: It does no good to say that you are not a prepper. Everybody's a prepper. This is one of Rushdoony's inescapable concepts, not whether but which. It is not whether you are prepping for ...
A Jehoiada Situation
Introduction: Since the installation of Resident Biden, remembering that the p is silent, I have been urging Christians to "wait for the flash point." Given the polarized state of our nation, the fact ...
Jory Micah and the Hall of Lame
Introduction: There seems to be an odd impulse that follows any kind of mass shooting, and that is the impulse that some people have ...
The Biblical Necessity of Free Speech
Introduction: So I want to ask you to work with me here on a thorny theological problem, a problem caused by a number of factors—those factors including the continuing validity of God's holy law, ...
When the Dogs Ate Jezebel
Introduction: American Christianity has lost its prophetic voice, and the reason this has happened to us is that we have lost our prophetic eye. If we truly saw as we ought to see, then we would be ...
The Coming Collapse of Secular Man
Introduction to Truth: Pilate dared to ask his famous question—what is truth?—when the incarnate Truth had been arrested and was standing right there in front of him (John 18:38). Jesus had just ...
In Which Time Magazine Reports That We Have Always Been at War with Eastasia
Introduction: Time magazine has published a remarkable piece, one which might leave more than a few sensible observers gobsmacked. It is a piece which acknowledges all manner of jiggering with this ...
But a Little Cloud
Introduction: One one occasion the Roman emperor, Julian the Apostate, told the people of Alexandria that they could choose another bishop for themselves, but that Athanasius had to leave Alexandria. Athanasius encouraged his friends by telling them that Julian was “but a little cloud” that was going to soon pass over. And this confidence from …
A Word of Encouragement for Terrible Times
Introduction: Those who love the Lord, and who love His Word, are confronted every day with the spectacle of a world that seems hellbent. The rebellion against sexual reality is robust and ongoing, ...
Tell It Not in Gath
Introduction: There is little doubt in my mind that America is currently being chastised by the Lord, and He must have sent a great angel of frenzy upon us to do it. One of the evidences of such chastisement ...