Introduction: In a world filled with leftist levelers, one of the central duties of faithful Christians should be to keep everything as uneven as we can. It should be uneven and still truly loving, ...
The Death of God, our Founding Fathers, Nietzsche, the Tombs of the Prophets, and a Few Other Ends and Odds
Introduction: As the title perhaps indicates, this is a blog post that is like that Christmas present you got for your seven-year-old that one time—some assembly required. The first thing, at least ...
On Making the Sword Righteous
In a Nutshell: It has to be affirmed at the outset that we cannot impose Christianity at the point of a sword. Our weapons are not carnal (2 Cor. 10:4-5). But our weapons are in fact mighty, and after ...
On the Imposition of Liberty
Introduction: What is the relationship between virtue and liberty? Not only is it an important question, it is also a vexed question. Not surprisingly, a good deal of confusion surrounds it. ...
On Christian Secularism: In Conversation with Jeff Ventrella
Introduction: I am grateful that Jeffrey Ventrella took my response to him as friendly push back. He has now responded to me, and because these issues are really important, I would really like ...
The Leak in the Tires of Classical Liberalism
Jeffery Ventrella recently put a lot of hay on his fork as he undertook to deal with a recent outbreak of some Bronze Age buffoonery. He covered quite a lot of territory, a lot more than I can respond ...
Is the Constitution as Dead as that Parrot?
A Freebie Book Teaser—: —because you are no doubt looking for a summer read that somehow fits in with how crazy and festive and ominous and convoluted everything has gotten, particularly in June, ...
Timon Time Again
Introduction: I read and greatly appreciated Timon's engagement with the point I made on Tucker regarding my belief that we are past the point of political solutions. I agree with a lot of what ...
On Shunning the Counsels of Denethor
I have thoughts a plenty about the splash that Rory made, and so I am just going put them down in the order that they occur to me, with perhaps some arrangement after the fact. The transitions between paragraphs may seem somewhat abrupt, and so if it seems that way to you, just say, “Ah, …
Rory Stays Put
I really do need to say something about my grandson, Rory, because when you are this proud of somebody, it is necessary to say something. As a number of you know, he is about to graduate from Columbia, and so he has been a close observer of all the recent tumult there. Last night, a …