Letter to the Editor: When it comes to honoring the Sabbath, I have lately been thinking that as automation and artificial intelligence become more common place in our lives, Christians may ...
Letters to Brighten Your Morning
Letter to the Editor: I feel like at some point I recall you mentioning the biblical origin of wives taking their husbands last name at marriage. If this rings a bell, it would be ...
Letters Help Us Understand One Another, and Isn’t That What It is All About?
Letter to the Editor: Curiously, after citing the account of Gideon pursuing the Midian kings in Judges 8:4 you mention the importance of local churches setting aside bread for state ...
Unusually Cogent Responses to Letters Today
Letter to the Editor: No Forgiveness/White Orcs For the most part I really enjoy your blog. But every now and then I get the impression you're in a war against the content you find in memes ...
Against All Hope, More Letters
Letter to the Editor: Wow, great stuff. Thanks, Pastor Doug. All the things I'm no longer surprised I didn't learn in my public school education :) Gil -- Doug responds: ...
When More Letters Were Needed, More Came
As you can see from the title, I had a boatload of letters, but when I clicked publish, the computer spazzed and ate most of my answers. I conclude from this the Lord did not have as high a view of ...
Fewer Letters Than Normal But We Think It Is a Computer Glitch and Not the FBI
Letter to the Editor: "…wrapped in the mantle of a prevenient surrender…" I will be adding this to my personal inventory. It is one of the best short phrases that most aptly describes ...
An Abundance of Lotsa Letters
HT: William. No, no, another one Not Buckley. Letter to the Editor: On your article "Male Chauvinism as Feminism in Full Bloom", one thing that occurred to me regarding women being ...
Letters and Then Some More Letters
Letter to the Editor: I very much appreciate your descriptions and metaphors of the different categories of evangelicals. But I’m more thankful for your clear vision and your courage to ...
Letters Like Leaves on a New Hampshire Hillside in the Autumn
Letter to the Editor: In a sermon you preached about children in the congregation, you mentioned that the word for nurture (paidea) is getting at the idea about inculturation. I was ...