Trouble Building a Taco Stand

Please bear with me a bit in this review of Scott Clark’s contribution to Tabletalk. So many different issues converge here that it will be necessary to spend a little bit of time deconfusing them. Clark’s article concerns what to do with the pilgrims from evangelicalism that may be making their way into confessional Reformed …

Ye Must Be What Again?

Unbelief fragments. Faith integrates. God created a world abounding in distinctions, but not abounding in shattered pieces. From the beginning there were glorious distinctions between heaven and earth, between male and female, between land and sea, between soul and body. Faith received these distinctions with integrated understanding, without trying to tear one away from the …

Tackle Gear Attached to Head and Neck

Just a few more comments about The Manhattan Declaration. I was asked to respond to John Stackhouse’s dismissal of the whole thing as just one more iteration of “been there, done that” Religious Rightism. There are two things to say about his reasoning. The first is that he maintains that he is on the side …

Getting Our White Little Buns Into Heaven

Okay, then, the Manhattan Declaration. Things have been busy, and I just now got around to reading it. I want to take the odd stance of applauding and supporting something that I could not sign. In order to make sense of this, I have to dump a few things out on the table first. I …

The Spiritual Drive Train

This might be the medieval equivalent of an urban legend, I don’t know. I read it somewhere, but can’t recall the source, but here goes anyhow. Somebody, Thomas Aquinas maybe, was being shown around some opulent palace by the pope. “You see, Thomas, no longer can Peter say ‘silver and gold have I none.'” To …

The Second Ramp

I finished Jason’s book this morning. His last chapter, on assurance of salvation, was very good. His main interest was to critique the popular three-fold method of assurance (i.e. faith, good fruit, witness of the Spirit) — not because they could not be understood biblically, but because if they are treated as independent “lines of …