How Secularists Fence the Table

Sociologists speak of plausibility structures, those shared community assumptions that make shared assumptions make sense. If you grew up Mormon in southeast Idaho, celestial marriage makes sense. If you grew up in Alabama, not so much. This undeniable truth is one of the things that tends  to make educated sociologists, and those who love them, …

Hindus, Tea Parties, and Social Justification

In order to offer someone a financial reward without him working for it, the government must first ensure that somebody else works for a financial reward without getting it. There is no other way. This reality is obscured by the dynamics of social justification. In every corporate body, there are the justified and the unjustified. …

How Noah’s Ark Was Way Too Wet

James Davison Hunter has this to say about contemporary Christian political involvement. “These qualifications notwithstanding, the reality is that politics is the tactic of choice for many Christians as they think about changing the world . . . It is not an exaggeration to say that the dominant public witness of the Christian churches in …

When Civilizations Are Baptized in Infancy

When theological folks dichotomize, they often do it without regard to the reality of time. And this causes no end of trouble. Given their assumptions about the political dualities of life, the anabaptist impulse to reject infant baptism is a shrewd one, because all these things are connected together. And infant baptism is a statement, …