Well. This has been quite a week for shameless appeals. But I don’t mind. They’re shameless. Off to the left (under Family and Friends) you can find Live Lovely, which is my youngest daughter’s work. Luke and Rachel Jankovic own and operate La Bella Vita, a shop to help equip us all for sabbath living.
Logos Curriculum
The Logos School board meets monthly on housekeeping issues, but in addition to this we have an annual board meeting that focuses on long-term vision. The board members also have a day every spring where we visit the classrooms and observe the instruction that is actually occurring on the ground. Speaking as an (admittedly biased) …
A Really Troublesome Cartoon
Here’s a good one. HT: David Field
Credenda is no Deadenda
February 2006 Dear Friends of Credenda, We really are grateful for the financial support that you offer to our magazine. We are now entering our eighteenth year of publication, which helps to explain quite a number of things. This accounts for the adolescent sense of humor, as well as the fact that we don’t appear …
And the Jaws of the Papist Trap Snap Shut
Well, the truth is finally out. You can read it here.
More on Driscoll and McLaren
There is more here on the confrontation of Brian McLaren by Mark Driscoll. These are not trivial issues, and we should not think that this is just about one article by McLaren that was perhaps thoughtlessly written. All the foundations for this collapse on homosexuality are clear in his books. He who says A will …
Mark Driscoll and Brian McLaren
Mark Driscoll has a great, straightforward question for Brian McLaren, which can be found here. Some Christians were well-versed enough in the postmodernism/emergent stuff that they could see it coming. Others are clear-thinking enough to see it when it finally arrives. But some, tragically, are still in denial.
Immanuel Kant and Tom Hanks
Brian Mattson has a good post here on Kant and a Tom Hanks movie. What cracks me up is God’s irony in naming — Old Immanuel “God with us” Kant.
The Dessert Cart Rolls On
Saturday Night Live had a really good one. The Political Teen has a clip of it here. And HT to Right Mind.
And to Children
Photography by Mark LaMoreaux