An Afghan man, Abdul Rahman, is on trial in Afghanistan for converting to Christianity. He faces the death penalty for leaving Islam, and you can read about his plight here. Contact your congressman about it. Whatever our views on the war generally, we sure don’t want our troops there supporting a government that would allow …
Way to Go Again
This is not a shameless appeal exactly, but I didn’t know what category to put it under. This last week, the mock trial team for Logos School won the Idaho State Championship, and they are heading off to the national competition in a month or so. This is (I believe) the third year in a …
Something the Sound Booth Can Do Nothing About
Okay. You asked for it. Or, put another way, you did not not ask for it.
A Brief Foray Into the Visual Arts
Brace yourself. A series of cartoons I did from an old church newsletter will probably appear in this space from time to time. And if no one prevails upon me to stop it, I might even draw some new ones. Now I recognize that there is not very much actual cartooning in this one, but …
Statement on St. Peter
Randy Booth, the moderator of the CREC Council, has posted a statement on the situation at St. Peter. That statement can be found here.
Kevin Swanson has some really good stuff to say here.
Almost As Rule-Guided As A Sonnet
Forty things that only happen in movies can be found here. Inexplicably, they left out the red wire/green wire moment, but they came close to covering the waterfront here. HT: David Field
Sky Cow Books
One of the corollaries of the Great Commission is that we are supposed to fill the earth with our books, as the prophet Isaiah intimated. Toward that end, I wanted to draw your attention to the books category on the left margin of this page, where you can find, as Jonathan Edwards would have put …
Copyright Stuff
For those who are interested in the legal and ethical issues surrounding copyrights, particularly with regard to the republication of old public domain stuff, should check this out.
A Cute Descendant
Now that I know how to do this, you can expect to see pictures of my grandchildren from time to time. Just one of the costs of checking in on this blog. This is Evangeline.