The Content Cluster Muster (08.13.20)

You Can Almost Feel It Moving: James with Michael Foster: Policing the Streets of Moscow (Idaho that is… not Russia): But is this really the hill to die on?: Wait till Chinese-made vaccines are mandatory.— Ezra Levant 🍁🚛 (@ezralevant) August 10, 2020 Comedy in 2020: Comedians Against Comedy— Ryan Long (@ryanlongcomedy) …

The Content Cluster Muster (08.06.20)

Well This Ain’t Creepy: How The Government is Prepping to Convince People to Vaccinate Complicated Story: Have you downloaded the ChristKirk app yet?:[0]=68.ARCXqcZONjtll5Z7uv0H_AWBPXxZpRa5ZtBjC_9yyRHFJnq5aWPBvqRhBMwgJka1Zvi_A6_Ks4LWlhRQBmZRAe3KzxUer_7XDkOjYo7F61K7KNxJW8may0qznf-Q2aXPdb27u4TcJcVHQLO90u3z4Z0lM8CQLoqLvf4CHwz-QmMEe4G-WUnpB76QnRZJHwp09QfNORGs89SGNUeTLIj7_xtZHiSkPxMgu-NS5EXWBNrMnJWQ7SWVIofRaRetZQDbxBcx0ByJZPz_T-Q8PQUWKGfU8Tt35PEf8AU_cNqnuMY94URiy1DjKPh6BPxa-FVn97fl6yeOjt-odhx6UonXRmw-mSksiV5M1A&__tn__=-R When the Government Peddles Panic Porn: Take 2 minutes and 14 seconds to watch this. And be afraid.This is happening in Australia. Not China. Not Venezuela. Not Russia. And if it …

The Content Cluster Muster (07.30.20)

Toby’s Working on Something: Drive Me There: And according to our usual custom, more here. All About Romans: Subscribe to the podcast by searching ‘Bible Reading Challenge’ or the following links.Apple: New Sweater Vest Dialogue: If Only There Were An Alternative to the Public Schools . . .: I removed the meme that …

The Content Cluster Muster (07.23.20)

Deal with Your Sins (Both Ways): Listen to the full sermon here. So Then . . .: California makes everyone wear masks, COVID-19 cases skyrocket in the middle of summer. Masks spread the virus by distributing gases at EYE level instead of the nostrils forcing it to the ground AWAY from the EYES. These …

The Content Cluster Muster (07.16.20)

This Would Seem to be a Big Story: Woot: Last week, the audio version of Blog & Mablog passed the significant mile marker of a million downloads. That’s a lot of listening, you guys, and I thank you for it. The Rain Makes It Way Better: I Understand Now: On Behalf of All Science …

The Content Cluster Muster (07.09.20)

Cold Clatter of Morality:[0]=68.ARA1bTfbW2t_pEFFlShkffr1JPugc6iBaMMO94V6GYRxJf1WX6FGbDL0I4mZwnfxZb5vdVCnGXbMssB3sm1YpNxfjfF5VVfIuFrS_tdF7ohGKXHqbmSPzmVEikV2CRrK88Hbhk0aFc0752VDF7Drzi2I1X53ErbqFPNBczg9R5Kt6pDHRu92cgiw-pfJ0a6a7RTsZ_DBJplD8FBFzN2KoSX60Z7OZVQfb4aqlkrhAhyaD-vJAYCGatTPMH1pNOv3-8Cfj4Q29NdL8VEE8LagYf9PrOWR5zoBHn9CDkKu-nHVxTWUcRf8-oS_y37G3fVT4gxrSNaOKd3fTsCMbwRs_UEepdEtjACTYAZi7g&__tn__=-R True obedience must always rest on the foundation of grace. True obedience must always rest upon the fact of Jesus—crucified, buried, resurrected, and ascended.Listen to the full sermon: So the Wife is a Pedophile?: Dr. Merkle over at TGC: A Fistful of Open Road Photos: And more here . …

The Content Cluster Muster (07.02.20)

A Calm Photo of a Future Road, to Prepare You for the Rest: And more great photos here: A Metaphor for January 3, 2020: The Year 2020 Continues On . . .: A Walk through the Cantus Christi 2020:[0]=68.ARCOAs89VIlKlIRdYvbYgSTv3-bG9vpiIZFTfO91ZJmrHSieJq5a8jJZ7xOKrN5Y5PffExxpAcKYQeGHQpYlB9CRmRv69CZdmXKccIdVJTObCjK6Khs4-PCX_XdjbODkhyGOXg685_cjZUm_3TtvlyINL4gJe4VcvnD-5Vv3d6g05AtPTysvuNtw_YBzAa3BXky6bT_5qGdN3XdXWN04F3Hv1JD39L4btwgbLavR8PZsRoeNaMmjM2FzKPuDEaUEaRSGT-TYahBsu41nyzvlSUl-iIcNEUtJ1TYxJnIYZZaG6Z4HCw5JobJYwXgCHBOZRlNG_jZQeyQs3_y-juFzje1rTw&__tn__=-R From A Greyfriar of Ours: The Christian life cannot be compartmentalized into "two kingdoms": sacred …

The Content Cluster Muster (06.25.20)

Open Road, Not Open Sky: And some more here. Midweek Message: The True Theme: That’s More Like It: One Understands His Point, Of Course: Back When the Question Should Have Been Addressed: Well, of Course: And Aother Explanation . . .: