Introduction: So it is a red letter day, in that Rod Dreher came to my defense. But in his defense, he sure didn’t want to. “So, even though it probably makes him cringe to have Rod Dreher stand up for him, and believe me, it makes Rod Dreher cringe to do it …I’m going to …
And So It Was That Mankind Decided to Accept His High and Lonely Destiny
Introduction: The first temptation of our first parents happened when the serpent set out the lure and possibility of being "as God" (Gen. 3:5). That was the bait in the first trap, and after six millennia, ...
This Shambling and Shameful and Shambolic Shamdemic
Introduction: And so let me begin by explaining my use of that term shamdemic, in case that got your attention, and lest my views here be misrepresented. I do not mean that the virus is somehow fake, or that there are not places that are severely affected. I do not mean to belittle the suffering …
Romans 13 and the COVID-19 Virus
Introduction: As the numerous state lock downs continue, and various Christian organizations have to make decisions about what to do about it, churches particularly, this brings into high relief all ...
And Now for a Spot of Good News, However Unwelcome That Might Be
Introduction: By way of reminder, we have been visited with three distinct disasters. The first is the COVID virus itself. The second is the economic devastation that has been caused by a dramatic and unnecessary over-reaction to the virus. And the third is the threat to civil liberties that is posed by a thoughtless granting …
What Trump is Up To Now, Along with Some Other COVID-Ends and Corona-Odds
What Goeth Down: So the president pulled an amazing volte-face just the other night, and I admire the chutzpah involved so much that I wanted to write about it for a little bit. After we all get tired of that, I want to write about some other stuff for another little bit. And by the …
COVID Catechism Q4 Q. In a time of pandemic and confusion, what is the first temptation we should be concerned to resist? I would say that the first temptation ...
Scriptural Quarantine
Introduction: Back when the coronavirus first came to our shores in a big way, I noticed an immediate defiance in some Christian quarters regarding the magistrate's authority to issue quarantines, ...
Like the Merchants of Babylon
Some friends have drawn my attention to a piece that N.T. Wright wrote for Time on the coronavirus here. Another friend of mine has already replied to him here, and just like my friend I agree that the article was better than the headline, which was gobsmackingly bad. But the article itself was still a …
COVID Catechism Q3
Q. So far you have just been speaking to certain theological truths—God’s sovereignty and God’s goodness, which is good and all. So is it wrong to have practical questions about the authority of quarantines, being a good neighbor, and how to feed your family, and things like that? No, it is not wrong to have …