
“Your problem with Uncle Wyatt is not that he is protecting himself, but rather that he is not guarding himself against the real risk—the risk of becoming the kind of risk-averse person who basically paralyzes himself. The wicked lazy servant set out to protect himself in the first instance, and the one thing he did not successfully do was protect himself.”

Mis-Inflation, pp. 92-93

The Challenging Chapters

“Uncle Wyatt has gold under the floorboards because the government can’t print it, and he has the idea that there is an inevitable crackup coming—when the government will desperately need to print gold and won’t be able to. In other words, I don’t think many of them are thinking so much like nine to five steady-as-she-goes investors as they are thinking like someone trying to survive a mash-up between Thunderdome and the killer-bee part of the book of Revelation.”

Mis-Inflation, p. 75