“We talk about how reckless government spending really is a catastrophic thing, but how the looming catastrophe might not be what everyone was anticipating—more like carbon monoxide poisoning than a giant fireball.”
Mis-Inflation, p. vi
“We talk about how reckless government spending really is a catastrophic thing, but how the looming catastrophe might not be what everyone was anticipating—more like carbon monoxide poisoning than a giant fireball.”
Mis-Inflation, p. vi
“We are not arguing that the glass is half full when most conservatives say it is half empty. We are saying that everybody is looking at the wrong glass, and the one we are looking at is even emptier.”
Mis-Inflation, p. v
“The dragon obeys all the rules of the story. He hates them, but he obeys them. If you ever meet a dragon in a story that does not obey the rules, then that story is even more wicked than the dragon is.”
“Just inside the door, was something that looked like a giant spider, but just for a moment. Andrew blinked and instead there was a beautiful woman, with a red sash and white robe, raven hair, and eyes as black as the knife in his pouch.”
“The longer he had been in Greenland, the more he had felt his spirits rising, and the less he feared meeting the dragon. In fact, on some mornings, he was almost looking forward to meeting the dragon. And maybe there was something here for him to fight. Maybe a little dragon for practice.”
“Andrew had not gotten much sleep because the gash in his knee was burning like the bandage was on fire.”
“Her voice was a sweet contralto, and it reminded Andrew of nuts, and oranges, and a woman that he assumed was his mother.”
“Not big. By the time a soul is damned, it has withered a great deal. But what is left is all misery.”
“So Fafnir has chosen what he wants. He does not want to eat hay or become a weaver. He is a dragon, so he wants to hoard gold and capture maidens. You are Andrew, and your fathers were great in the kingdom, and so you want to kill the firedrake.”
“On the far side of this flat space, covered with rocks and boulders, the path resumed its way down the long hillside as though nothing had happened.”