“The biblical pattern of evangelism was not at all like our modern method of picking off the devil’s stragglers, but rather a pattern of bringing the good news to household after household.”
The Cultural Mind, p. 8
“The biblical pattern of evangelism was not at all like our modern method of picking off the devil’s stragglers, but rather a pattern of bringing the good news to household after household.”
The Cultural Mind, p. 8
“Too often the picture of men at church is that of the hapless drone, maneuvered through the doors by a pious wife. He is not exactly spiritual, but he is docile, and that is reckoned to be close enough.”
The Cultural Mind, p. 7
“The feminist movement is a sham because there is no scriptural covenant binding all women together into a sisterhood—any more than solidarity exists between people with the same birthdays, or eye color.”
The Cultural Mind, p. 2
“Without a legitimate bond, all attempts at community will be fragmented and atomistic. Because of our modern emphasis on individualism, this is a common problem. Our ‘communities’ have lost their former molecular strength—we see families and communities that have the atomistic structural rigor of a sack full of BBs.”
The Cultural Mind, p. 2
“A Christian worldview is not a patchwork crazy quilt, with all kinds of oddments thrown together and sewn on. No, a Christian worldview is more like a scarf knitted from one skein of yarn. Everything in it is connected to everything else.”
The Cultural Mind, p. xv
“Nothing ages more rapidly than the current lust for contemporary relevance, and nothing ages more gracefully than an attitude of caring more about whether an observation is true than whether it is contemporary, or edgy, or emergent. Emergent was a hot word back then.”
The Cultural Mind, pp. xiii-xiv
“And this means that no currency was ever corrupted unless the worldview of the people is corrupted first. No talent was ever buried in the ground unless the faithless steward entrusted with it was buried in the ground first.”
Mis-Inflation, pp. 108-109
“Effective preaching is a supernatural event.”
Beeke, Reformed Preaching, p. 263
“This is why we should want to preach the kind of hot gospel that creates the kind of people who take those risks. The way we sometimes talk, it is as though we think the yard markers on the sidelines of the football game are capable of making first downs. And in a free economy, people don’t take risks (for the most part) because they are daredevils. They take risks because of who and what they love. Civilizations are built by men who have families to feed.”
Mis-Inflation, p. 108
“I have felt (for many years) that there was something seriously off in the standard trade deficit concerns. When it comes to household economics, I have never worried about more coming in than going out.”
Mis-Inflation, p. 95