A Shapeless Sack

“Without a legitimate bond, all attempts at community will be fragmented and atomistic. Because of our modern emphasis on individualism, this is a common problem. Our ‘communities’ have lost their former molecular strength—we see families and communities that have the atomistic structural rigor of a sack full of BBs.”

The Cultural Mind, p. 2

Yard Markers Have No Game Plan

“This is why we should want to preach the kind of hot gospel that creates the kind of people who take those risks. The way we sometimes talk, it is as though we think the yard markers on the sidelines of the football game are capable of making first downs. And in a free economy, people don’t take risks (for the most part) because they are daredevils. They take risks because of who and what they love. Civilizations are built by men who have families to feed.”

Mis-Inflation, p. 108