“But the Reformers saw that some such distinction [between visible and invisible Church] was necessary. Without it, men fall readily into the trap of thinking that all that is necessary for salvation is to be in good standing with the visible Church. And because that is something they can readily arrange, they think that all …
Not the Best Idea, Really
“Modern evangelicals in our culture have gotten money, power, and influence, and it has been like giving whiskey to a two-year-old” (Mother Kirk, p. 21).
Balsa Wood Soaked in Lighter Fluid
“Many Christians are praying for revival, but we need to careful how we pray. The Church today is a lightweight operation, like a stack of balsa wood, soaked in lighter fluid. The consuming fire of the Holy Spirit would therefore not burn for long and would not leave much. We must pray for a doctrinal …
No Sense Blaming the Meat
“The only way the unbelieving world can be constrained in its external actions, in a way contrary to that unregenerate nature, is when the Church is salty. Christ taught that His followers were the salt of the earth — applied to an ungodly society in the same way salt was applied to perishable meat as …
Conservative Values
“No thoughtful Christian can consider the state of our culture today without considerable grief. The lawless are in power, the innocent suffer, the gullible believe, the taxable pay, the sages are befuddled, and everything gets progressively worse. One political party wants to drive us toward the cliff at seventy miles an hour, and the loyal …
No Problem Passages
“By the grace of the Lord, we must resolve to be faithful to every word that proceeds from the mouth of God. From Genesis to Revelation, we must not be embarrassed by any passage of Scripture, and once we have submissively ascertained its meaning through careful and patient grammatical, historical and typological, we must seek …
Culturally Lost
“We have no idea why we are here, where we are supposed to go, and how we are to conduct ourselves on the way. But in the meantime, our government schools solemnly teach third graders how to use condoms. Countless fathers desert their wives and children. Pastors dishonor their calling through their rampant adulteries. Thieving …
All Reformers Are In Over Their Heads
“We are trying to rebuild the ruins of Jerusalem with opponents taunting us about our (admitted!) inabilities in wall-building. They say that if a fox jumps on our wall, that wall will collapse; we wonder sometimes if it wouild take an animal that big” (The Case for Classical Christian Education, p. 235).
Not Short Heathen
“But whenever we talk about religious ‘duty,’ we must be careful lest we get tangled up in the law and gospel business. The promise precedes the law, Paul argues, and is the foundation for it. All duty must arise from the gratitude for redemption, and this includes the duty of educating our covenant children. But …
Content With Our Discontents
“Our doctrine always comes down to action, and that action reveals our true doctrine. We do not understand the relationship between fear, hunger and love. Our great problem is that we do not want enough from God. Ironically, we content ourselves with our discontents in the wilderness when before us a promised land awaits. Why …