Am I Missing Something?

Thus far I have seen that Bishop Tutu has called for Mugabe’s ouster in Zimbabwe, as President Sarkozy of France has also done. Well done for both those gents. I would call for it too if anybody cared. But I have not yet seen that Bishop N.T. Wright has taken this necessary step, although I …

Different Kinds of Moonbats

One of the valuable things I learned from Rushdoony was the idea of the inescapable concept. It is not whether we will impose morality through our laws, but rather which morality we will impose. It is not whether there will be an ultimate god for every political system, but rather which god it will be. …

The Loyal Opposition

Okay, so the Republicans had a really bad, losing season. They have fired the head coach, but kept the rest of the coaching staff on and gave them all big raises, in the hopes of perpetuating the mischief somehow. It will probably work. There is no elected Republican on the national stage with any kind …

War, Theft or Fraud?

Bush the Second is responsible for many Problems in Our Midst, but one of the worst of them is the legacy of “compassionate” conservatism. Conservatism with a heart is the kind of conservatism that won’t ever veto anything, no matter how financially insane it might be, and consequently is the kind of conservatism that doesn’t …

The Creed and the Pledge

Many thanks for the good discussion on the previous post. Obviously more is needed. In fact, when I consider the shape we’re in, more is desperately needed. I say the Apostles’ Creed far more often than I say the Pledge. And when I say the Pledge of Allegiance, as noted already, it is not without …