I am happy to announce the winner of the great Newt poster caption contest. But first the honorable mention . . . Alan, with “Newt — a passionate conservative.” The bronze was taken by Rich Hamlin — “Because it takes a lot of Big Ideas before you get the right one.” The silver goes to …
5 Thoughts on the South Carolinian Newtslide
1. The voters are apparently in the mood for belligerence toward liberals and the media. This is not the same thing as insisting on belligerence that is coherent and consistent over time (for that would have excluded Newt), but they clearly want a scrap. The other candidates should take note. 2. The South Carolina results …
A Little Caption Contest
Okay, so here’s a caption contest. The winner will be chosen by our incorruptible judge/s, and will receive a poster size version of this graphic, with their winning caption emblazoned on it (where the current caption is). The deadline for entry is the day before the Florida primary (Jan. 30, 2012). So that you can …
Unscrewing the Inscrutable
So then. Let us have a little chat, you and I, about the exuberant Newtlove that is popping up in some quarters. Whence cometh it? I would like to identify the point of origin first, and then give perhaps something of an indication of what I think of it. The meme that is circulating, mostly …
A Heap the Size of Mt. Sinai
Well, nobody can say that the Republican primaries have been deficient as entertainment. People blowing up left and right like there were no tomorrow. At this rate, we’ll get to Jeb in no time. Cain was glib but fun, and while solid on some stuff, he encountered a situation he couldn’t quip his way out …
A Nice Little Helping of Jumble Pie
I’d like to make a few comments about Monday night’s Republican debate so that the candidates might have time to jot a few ideas down in time for their next round. I’m just helpful that way. Whenever Newt does well in a debate, as he usually does, somebody attaches a bicycle pump to his head …
Basic Math as Dark Horse
I have made this economic point before, but it appears to me that I need to keep making it. This is because we live in a time when we will all need to be reminded, regularly and at periodic intervals, that red ink does not really exist. Related catastrophes do, but I should explain myself. …
A Dog With Two Tails
Rick Santorum has said that those who are critical of his so-called “big government conservatism” are wrong, and they are libertarians to boot. Since he is not a libertarian, he rejects the label — he reasons that if you are a virtual anarchist, then everything is going to look like big government to you. That’s …
An Iowa Caucus Nano-Margin
Here are a few observations that conservatives can pack into their suitcases as they leave Iowa. Romney edged out Santorum by eight votes — a victory so razor-thin close as to make no difference. Eight votes! And the way the expectations world is structured, Romney cannot really claim a triumph here and Santorum can. In …
Twenty Percent of a Wave
Ross Douthat makes a reasonable amount of good sense on the Ron Paul sitch here. I will try to add my little bit of good sense at this time — 24 hours before the Iowa raucous starts — bringing the national percentage of good sense about Paul up to about 1.7%. Nate and I were …