A Little Caption Contest

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Okay, so here’s a caption contest. The winner will be chosen by our incorruptible judge/s, and will receive a poster size version of this graphic, with their winning caption emblazoned on it (where the current caption is). The deadline for entry is the day before the Florida primary (Jan. 30, 2012).

So that you can get some sense of what we are looking for, here are some samples.

1. Let America Be Wife Number IV
2. Three Wives, One Nation, and a Church to Go
3. To Nominate Future Wives Go to newt.org
4. Big Ideas Require a Big Head
6. To Be Continued…

So, how about it? You can have a little fun and help save the Republic at the same time. Just type your entries in the comment box, and you may submit multiple entries, as long as they are funny — and nothing over the line. You know where the line is.

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