Well, Romney staggers on. Although Ron Paul has been a tactical wingman up to this point, his very best friend right now is Newt Gingrich. As long as Gingrich stays in, the “anybody but Romney (or Paul)” vote is split. A simple thought experiment gives a head-to-head Romney/Santorum race, in places like Michigan or Ohio, …
Clouds of Nuance and Ineptitude
I have been asked about my passing comment the other day that I thought military action in Afghanistan was justified, and probably in Iraq. This was coupled with my observations on the constitutional procedures for going to war — Congress should declare war. Those who believe all the DC-lawyer-talk need to be asked what circumstances …
The United Methodist Camp Counselor Approach to Foreign Policy
Here are just a few collected observations about U.S. foreign policy and war, particularly war in the Middle East. We have no business toppling any foreign regime and replacing it with another without a formal declaration of war from Congress. It may be replied (for it usually is) that a regiment of constitutional lawyers in …
Proverbial Bedfellows, As In, Strange
Not trying to juice my traffic by writing about Ron Paul. Promise. I am writing about Ron Paul though, because this is all really interesting, and on a number of levels. The thing that interests me right this moment is the clear working arrangement between Ron Paul and Mitt Romney.
Shorter Than a Yard
It was Sen. Eugene McCarthy who said that being a senator was a lot like being a football coach — you had to be smart enough to understand the game and dumb enough to think it was important. I have written about the dangers of ideology in politics (which addresses the how more than the …
As Blue as Anybody’s
Now, before I say what I am going to say, let me qualify some things. I have qualified them before, and it doesn’t seem to do any good, but hope springs eternal. I am a conservative, barely within the legal limits for Idaho. If someone bumped me too hard, I would probably tip over into …
Santorum, Just War, and False Equivalence
One of the things that needs to be removed from the discussion of Ron Paul’s views of foreign policy is a false equivalence that has become something of a meme in these discussions. It is a false equivalence, not because there could never be an equivalence, but rather because it is being assumed to be …
Make the Rubble Bounce
In his essay on membership in The Weight of Glory, C.S. Lewis says this: “in the first place, when the modern world says to us aloud, ‘You may be religious when you are alone,’ it adds under it’s breath, ‘and I will see to it that you are never alone.'” I thought of this when …
With Lots More Flies
Well, then, it is starting to look as though the Republican primary race might still be going on when they all get to Idaho. Santorum pulled off a hat trick last night, winning Missouri, Minnesota, and Colorado, taking a little sheen off of the Romney inevitability lustre. There are four contenders left, two of whom …
Four/Fifths of the Brimstone
A few days ago, Ron Paul was on Piers Morgan, and demonstrated, in a breath-taking way, a certain muddledness about life. He certainly tried to stay consistent with his libertarianism, which is — in the world of political trimmers, shifters, and dodgers — a certain kind of admirable. The problem is that libertarianism, on its …