7 Reasons Young Men Should Marry Before Their 23rd Birthday

I want to argue that the war on marriage has many fronts. And while evangelical Christians have done a decent job in resisting some of the more outlandish attacks (e.g. Obergefell), in other areas we have tended to go along with the secular flow completely. One area where acquiescence is evident is when it comes …

Twice as Much Water!

It used to be that discrimination was a good word. A man with discriminating taste was a man with aesthetic standards that he understood and applied in wisdom. Now discrimination is an all-purpose term of condemnation designed to shut you up, Christian. Of course, discrimination is one of those words that carry the inescapable concept …

The Bitchstate and the Transcendental No

Long ago Aristotle taught us that there is a sharp difference between the kind of behavior that democracies tend to like and the kind of behavior that will keep democracies from turning into smoking craters. He didn’t put it exactly like that, but you get the gist. In The Suicide of the West, James Burnham …

Abortion in the First Degree

So the following was occasioned by Donald Trump beclowning himself on the abortion issue, but it is not about that particularly. He said, remember, that women who get abortions should, were the practice to become illegal, receive some sort of punishment. He held to that position for about ten minutes, but it was long enough …