Woke or Awakened?

Introduction: You may depend upon it, say I, that any evangelical church, denomination, publisher, magazine, study center, society, or seminary, or any other collective Christian thing that we might fashion or think up, that is not in an open, unremitting and hostile war against every form of social justice, identity politics, or wokeness of any …

That Lutheran Jezebel Lady

Introduction: So then, Nadia Bloz-Weber, reigning queen of the ecclesiastical division of the Épater la bourgeoisie vibe, achieved peak relevance recently by gathering up a bunch of purity rings, melting them down into a fair approximation of her theological rigor, and then fashioning them into a sacred vagina thing, like a little bowling trophy. She …

Intransigence as the Key to Reform

One of the features of modern life together, one that requires some explanation, is our apparent limitless capacity to adapt to absurdity. Examples surround us on every hand, but let’s take the fact of tranny boys running in girls’ track meets. And lo! It turns out that boys are better at being girl runners than …

Governor Northam and the Death Chick

The meltdown that is Democratic Party politics continues apace. So what happened this last week—fueled in large measure, as you all have no doubt surmised, by Trump Derangement Syndrome—was something like this. In anticipation of Trump possibly getting a third Supreme Court appointment in his first term, certain states like New York and Virginia have …