Another Point of View Certainly

“The Crusades were a belated military response of Christian Europe to over three centuries of Muslim aggression against Christian lands, the systemic mistreatment of the indigenous Christian population of those lands, and harassment of Christian pilgrims.” (Serge Trifkovic, The Sword of the Prophet, p. 97).

Inner Jihad

“Only after the Islamic Empire had been established the notion of an ‘inner’ jihad—that of one’s personal fight against his ego and sinful desires—also came into being, but it was predicated on the assumption that the external, real jihad was nearing its completion” (Serge Trifkovic, The Sword of the Prophet, p. 89).

I See. I Think.

“Thus Britain is being forced to act on the basis that if it does not do so it will be attacked—by people who claim that terrorism runs totally counter to the values of their religion, but then demand that the grievances of members of that religion are addressed as the price of averting further attacks” …

Islamist Foxes and English Hens

“The British government is now in danger of falling into the same trap as the French. After the Muslim riots in France in autumn 2005, the French government, unable to regain control, went in desperation to those who had radicalized the community’s youths in the first place and begged them to restore order. The result …

A Three Way Collision

“This has managed to obscure two absolutely fundamental problems for the Church. The first is that the dominant contemporary political force within Islam is an ideology that seeks to destroy Christianity and its values. The second is that, because the Church has failed to resolve its deeply ambiguous and conflict-laden attitude towards the Jews, it …

Falling for Anything

“And as post-moral Britain demanded that ever more constraints be knocked away, the Church was forced further and further into hollowing out its own identity. As it renounced its own culture, it embraced others, while never ceasing to grovel for its onetime sin of believing in itself” (Melanie Phillips, Londonistan, p. 140).

Photo Negative Guilt

“There is a tendency to equate and then invert the behavior of the perpetrators of violence and that of their victims, so that self-defense is misrepresented as aggression while the original violence is viewed sympathetically as understandable and even justified” (Melanie Phillips, Londonistan, p. 72).

Not Any More

“Objectivity was bunk and so truth went out the window—and with it went the ability to weed out lies. The education system had been turned from the repository of disinterested knowledge to a vehicle for ‘antiracist’ and other propaganda. Instead of being taught how to think, children were now told what to think. The result …