When Fundamentalists Read the Text More Clearly

“The revival of the model of early Islam in a modern form absolutely mandates the reaffirmation of uncompromising animosity to non-believers and the return to violence as a means of attaining political ends. Islamic terrorism, far from being an aberration, became inseparable from modern-day jihad. It is legitimized by it, and it is its defining …

Not Much of a Difference

“The only difference between Muslim ‘conservatives’ and misnamed ‘fundamentalists’ concern the methods to be applied, not the final objectives, which are the same: to rekindle the glory that was Islam under the prophet and his early successors” (Serge Trifkovic, The Sword of the Prophet, p. 204).

The Closing of the Islamic Mind

“Not even a prime location at the crossroads of the world could supply an antidote to the slow poison of Islamic obscurantism. The Ottoman interlude concealed and postponed the latent tension between the view of world history as the fulfillment of Islam and its triumph everywhere on the one hand, and the reality of the …

Raw Hatred

“With the emergence of Zionism in the early twentieth century, the Muslims faced a ‘Jewish problem’ for the first time since Mohammad. This time they faced it from a position of weakness, with the Jews for the first time since the destruction of the Temple poised to reestablish a polity that would be territorial as …

Outrages That Take Courage (in the Present) to Oppose

“The status of women in Islam is comparable to that of the human rights in Cuba: theoretically exalted if you subscribe to the theory, utterly deplorable in practice, and impolite to discuss frankly in the enlightened Western circles” (Serge Trifkovic, The Sword of the Prophet, p. 154).

Why the Jihadist Hates the West

“It is certainly not rock and roll music that he hates, as Orianna Fallci has noted, not the usual stereotypes like chewing-gum, hamburgers, Broadway, or Hollywood. The ‘tangible’ objects of that resentful hate are the skyscrapers, the science, the technology, the jumbo jets. Accustomed as the Westerners are to the double-cross, blinded as they are …

Their Consistency is Our Hypocrisy

“What the Crusaders did to the Muslim inhabitants of Jerusalem in 1099 was as bad as what the Muslims had done to countless Christian cities before and after that time, but the carnage was less pardonable because, unlike the Muslims’, it was not justifiable by Christian religious tenets. From the distance of almost a millennium, …