“Van Til is not urging the physical destruction of non-Christians — note his ‘spiritual weapons only and always” — but he does see the task of the Christian educator as one of constant, total war. Every thought must be made captive to Christ. A Christian school is not the place where we complete this task, …
The Movie of Me
“I stood there for a moment longer in the yellow tornado light while the techno music in my ears reorganized my consciousness into cleaner lines than the gangsta vibe . . . implanting in the folds of my cortex the way poetry used to before I got a Discman and made pop music the soundtrack …
And Not Just Billy Idol Either
“My answer to the question about Christian involvement with popular culture is essentially the same. You can enjoy popular culture without compromising Biblical principles as long as you are not dominated by the sensibility of popular culture, as long as you are not captivated by its idols.” [Kenneth Myers, All God’s Children and Blue Suede …
Great Books Aimlessness
“Those who have participated in ‘great books’ conversations inspired by this approach to modern classicism know that few things can wreck the intellectual party more quickly than a claim of absolute truth, goodness, or beauty. The student is equipped for anything the great conversation might bring to him, except for one thing — answers. To …
“But try telling someone from the Barry Manilow School of Liturgy that something is schlock and they will regard you as an arrogant elitist.” [Kenneth Myers, All God’s Children and Blue Suede Shoes (Westchester, IL: Crossway Books, 1989), p. 99].
No Luminous Glow
“God is our life. In Him we live and move and have our being. If He had not created the world, we would not be here (and hence could not do our math). If He had not created the world, there would be no oranges, and hence we could not discover that two oranges plus …
Folk Culture and Popular Culture
“Folk culture has the values and aspirations of a community. Popular culture, on the other hand, presupposes the absence of a community of belief or conviction. It is for many a means of escape from such a community” [Kenneth Myers, All God’s Children and Blue Suede Shoes (Westchester, IL: Crossway Books, 1989), p. 61].
The Evangelical Crouton in the Pluralistic Salad
[Many Christian schools] “see our pluralistic society as a great tossed salad, and they are simply one small evangelical crouton . . . Although they would never state it so baldly, they appear to have quietly translated the Great Commission into something like, ‘Therefore go unto all nations, and do your best to fit right …
This is Not What We Meant by a Postmillennial Takeover
“It has not gone unnoticed in the secular world that there is gold in these religious hills. The result is that today there are evangelical publishing houses which are the religious arms of secular corporations, and Songs 4 Worship, a successful collection of Christian music, lavishly advertised on the TV networks was launched by Time-Life. …
Religious Claims Are Always Total
“Religious claims are always total — all-encompassing. If Christ is not the Lord of all, then He is not the Lord at all. To claim that a particular religious dogma is not total is tantamount to the claim that it is not really religious. In short, such limitations are always a denial of the faith …