A Theology of the Table of Contents

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“The problem with contemporary Protestants is that they have no real doctrine of the Table of Contents. With the approach that is popular in conservative evangelical circles, one simply comes to the Bible by means of an epistemological lurch. The Bible ‘just is,’ and any questions about how it got here are dismissed as a nuisance. But time passes, the questions remain unanswered, the silence becomes awkward, and conversions of seduced evangelicals to Rome proceed apace. But this is an inconsistency among modern Protestants and is not at all an inconsistency within the historic Protestant position. [Of] course, this should not surprise us; if Protestants do not understand the history of the Bible, how can we expect them to understand their own history as Protestants? The problem here is modernity, and not classical Protestantism” (Mother Kirk, p. 31).

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