Uh Oh
The first time Seamus came up to our house after the last big snow, he was put on the sidewalk that runs alongside our front porch. But his response was understandable. He said, “Uh oh.”
I’m Just Saying . . .
Here is my lovely wife Nancy on our front walk this morning. We are expecting another load of snow tonight, so we’ll see how it goes.
300 Cloth Napkins
Nancy and I had a wonderful week. We are currently ensconced in the Dallas/Ft. Worth airport, on our way back to the snow. The first part of the week we were at the pastors’ conference in Monroe, Louisiana, which was the usual good and edifying time. The topic was “Liturgy and Life,” and I commend …
Ministerial Suffering Unto Glory
Posting this week will continue, but may be spotty and erratic here and there. I am down in Monroe for their annual pastor’s conference. The lead off talks tonight were by Peter Leithart and Jeff Meyers, both of them very good. Jeff made one point that was worth the entire trip — what does Paul …
A Truckload of Granddaughters
Anyone who follows this blog at all knows how grateful to God I am for my children, for their spouses, and for my children’s children. It is a wonderful thing to read fat theological books about the covenant, but to actually see the promises of the covenant taking three-dimensional shape right in front of you …
Thanks to God
Please rejoice together with us. Just back from the hospital, where my youngest daughter Rachel delivered my two youngest grandchildren, a girl and a boy, joining the tribe of their two older sisters. The new babies are Chloe Lynn Geddes Jankovic (7 pounds 2 ounces) and Titus James Jankovic (7 pounds 9 ounces). That’s a lot …
And Way to the Right
A former student was hiking in Virginia, and snapped a photo of something that he thought was pretty funny. Must be thinking of the east coast Wilsons.
Where To Go on the Net When You”re Not Here
I mentioned already that Nancy’s blog has a new look, and that the girls are going to be contributing as well. That fun business has now begun. And I have been enjoying pandora.com a lot. It is a great way to find music you like that you didn’t know about. Check it out.
Fiendish Glee
It seems that computers can do a lot of things. This is, I believe, what is called a dented image. So here is the picture that you all can summon up whenever you think that I must have written a particular post with fiendish glee and mayhem in my heart. Suppose, to borrow an image …