My wife and daughters do beautiful things. Below is a recent example from one of my daughters. You (yes, you) can participate by throwing yourself into what is going on here or here.
Is This the Prayer Request Equivalent of a Bogus 911 Call?
Nancy and I are enjoying the great privilege this weekend of visiting with the good folks at Christ the Word in Toledo, Ohio. Christ the Word is where David Bayly ministers — and what a gathering of warm-hearted Christians. I will be preaching for them on the Lord’s Day, and Nancy is speaking for their …
BBQ Pit in Narnia
Here’s a quick snap of our front yard — I remember George Grant was here one time in February, and he made a great deal of fun of our snow-covered barbecue, as though to live in a place where spring has to arrive makes the idea of cooking meat outdoors untenable — but I digress.
Waiting for our Medals
I am guessing that I was about seven years old, living on Cherry Grove in Annapolis. For those familiar with the area, our house was on the right side of the street as you drive away from Germantown Elementary, the scene of my memorable bike wreck, the one which is another story for another time. …
Put Me In, Coach
Some of the men in our church have been running the Bon Hom Lacrosse League for a few years, a summer program that helps get boys started early in this (fantastic) game. This last Saturday was grandson Rory’s first game ever. He is the one on the right, with gold striping on his shorts. As …
The Fruitfulness of Plodding
A question I frequently get, and which I am generally reluctant to answer, is a question about time management. How do I get everything done? I don’t like to answer this for three reasons. First, I don’t get everything done. The done stuff is visible enough, but the undone stuff is sitting on my desk, …
Grand Kids in a Row
The Merkles got back from the UK for the summer, and so we had our first unified sabbath dinner since last October. Afterwards, we lined them up on the deck in birth order and took some pics.
A Little Fun Over At Femina
My daughter-in-law is having a little fun over at Femina. When the contest is over, I will, if necessary, defend myself. And while I am on the same general subject, let me say that the best song I downloaded this year was Mark Knopfler’s Song for Sonny Liston. And I also really liked Jakob Dylan’s Something …
Stormy Winds That Do His Pleasure
The first house Nancy and I bought was a little thing, about 930 square feet. Not only was it small, but it was also a fixer-upper, which we proceeded to do. Some good friends had helped us get our start, and we were resolved to make the most of the opportunity their kindness had provided. …
God’s Garage
I graduated from Pioneer High School in Ann Arbor, Michigan in 1971. Just to get you oriented, this was the same high school that Bob Seger graduated from. But I didn’t know him, and he was a few years ahead of me. He had to have been a few years ahead of me because he …