Sermon Video Introduction : In our denomination, all churches are required to adopt three creeds into their statement of faith. Those three are from the time of the early church, and are the Apostles ...
Let’s Go Brandon? | Doug Wilson
Reforming the Family
Sermon Video Introduction: We understand that there is no such thing as a healthy Christian community without a large number of healthy Christian families. Just as you cannot have a good omelet ...
Thoughts on Kyle Rittenhouse? | Douglas Wilson
Real Forgiveness
Sermon Video Introduction: Everyone knows that the Christian faith revolves around the forgiveness of sins. But because there is a gospel logic involved in it that eludes every form of carnal ...
The Meaning of Joy
Sermon Video Introduction: When Paul comes to describe the fruit of the Spirit in Gal. 5:22, he uses the singular form of fruit, and then goes on to list love, joy, peace, and so on. So instead ...
The Prophecy of Micah [12]
Introduction: Sermon Video We have now come to the climax of Micah’s great prophetic word. This is the note he ends on, which is a note of consolation. God chastises His people, but He does ...
How to Fight
Sermon Video I ntroduction: I do not wish to speak of how to fight as though the subject were a matter of technique. That could be a legitimate way of understanding the title, but my purpose here ...
The Prophecy of Micah [11]
Sermon Video Introduction: As we come now to the last chapter of Micah, we are in the judgment section of the last cycle. As before, the judgment that is going to fall on Israel and Judah both ...
What is a Cult? What is a Sect? What is a Church?
Sermon Video Introduction: Whenever we are confronted with a new problem, our first instinct as Christians ought to be that of turning to the Scriptures. What does the Bible say about this? And ...