Inescapable Fear
Sermon Video Introduction: This message on Inescapable Fear could just as easily been entitled as Freedom from Fear. And, without any contradiction, it could also be entitled The Christian Grace ...
Why Does Postmil Ruffle Feathers? | Doug Wilson
One Little Word Shall Fell Him
Sermon Video The text this morning is taken from the Gospel of John, the first three verses. These are the words of God. “IN the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, ...
Two Kingdoms? | Doug Wilson
State of the Church 2022
Sermon Video Introduction: We live in troubled times, certainly, and a regular response that rank-and-file Christians have to this challenge is found in the lament, “But what can we do?” This ...
Gospel-Centered Movement? | Doug Wilson
Advice for New Christians? | Doug Wilson
The Potency of Right Worship
Sermon Video Introduction: Many of the problems confronting modern Christians is that they diligently try to do the right thing . . . in the wrong categories. They try guitar fingering on a mandolin; ...
The Knowledge of Good and Evil
Sermon Video Introduction: The Lord Jesus was born in this world in order to reestablish mankind. The first mankind in Adam had failed at the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, and so Jesus ...