Idle Oaths

Book 2/Chapter 8 Idle oaths (section 25) 1. What renders God’s name cheap and common? 2. When men swear unnecessarily, what are they doing? Sermon on the Mount (section 26) 1. Who condemns all oaths whatever, and why? 2. Interpreting Christ’s words as forbidding all oaths whatever does what to the relationship between Jesus and …

Generational Judgment and Mercy

Book 2/Chapter 8 Visiting iniquity (section 19) 1. Does Calvin interpret the threat to “visit iniquity” to subsequent generations as a reference to temporal difficulties only? Justice and generational judgment (section 20) 1. Why did Ezekiel tell the people to stop using the proverb about the father eating grapes and the children’s teeth being set …

Bowing Before Images as Adultery

Book 2/Chapter 8 Out of bondage (section 15) 1. What does Calvin identify as one of the greatest crimes? 2. Why does God reveal Himself through certain particular titles? 3. What did Israel’s enslavement in Israel represent typologically? Authority (section 16) 1. What does the first commandment reveal about God’s authority? 2. What four things …

The Law Restored

Book 2/Chapter 8 The law’s sufficiency (section 5) 1. Nothing is more acceptable to God than what? 2. What religious affectation is rooted in man’s nature? 3. What is an intolerable profanation of divine righteousness? Total law (section 6) 1. If an earthly king forbids a particular action, what is not included? 2. How is …