Idle Oaths

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Book 2/Chapter 8

Idle oaths (section 25)

1. What renders God’s name cheap and common?

2. When men swear unnecessarily, what are they doing?

Sermon on the Mount (section 26)

1. Who condemns all oaths whatever, and why?

2. Interpreting Christ’s words as forbidding all oaths whatever does what to the relationship between Jesus and His Father?

3. What was Christ forbidding then?

4. What is the relationship of God’s name to all His benefits?

More on oaths (section 27)

1. Did Paul interpret Jesus as forbidding all oaths?

The Sabbath (section 28)

1. What did Calvin think about the early fathers who interpreted the sabbath as a type of Christ?

2. What are the three elements of obedience to this command?

These are the questions for the readings for Friday, April 3, and those readings can be found here.

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