Come before the Father now, and do so in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. As we worship the Lord according to His Word, we reflect His glory into the world. But in the Bible the word glory is more than just a simple matter of brightness; it also carries the idea of weight. …
Pietism and Piety
As we grow in our knowledge of biblical doctrine, and as we expand the boundaries of what we know under the heading of a “biblical world view,” we have to be careful about one of the oldest traps in Christendom. Knowledge puffs up, St. Paul tells us, but love builds up. Graduate school is not …
God Throws Down the Proud
We cannot have an assembly like this without collecting together great sin and sinfulness. But this is not a function of the size of our church. The same thing would happen if any one of us were to assemble, all by ourselves, in a closet. We are all sinners, and God is in the process …
Fullness and Overflow
Who are you? What are you doing here? How did it come about that you are now here? The instruments used by God are many, but the fundamental answer is that you are here at worship because you have been called, summoned. God wants you to hear His Word. He requires you to worship Him, …
Faithfulness Is Full of Faith
If we do not think about what we are doing here, and if we do not think about it in faith, then we are just so many donkeys gathered in a stable. The New Testament teaches plainly that a Christian gathering, in the name of the Lord Jesus, on the Lord’s Day, can do more …
Preparation for the Word
We are gathered here this morning so that God might govern us, and so that the Lord Jesus Christ might demonstrate His rule among us. There are many ways that this is shown in the service of worship, but one of the central ones is seen in the way we listen to the Word of …
Lord of the Fingertips
Your worldview is not what you think — that is, in another sense, your worldview is not limited to what you are thinking. Your worldview comes out your fingertips, and expresses itself, incarnationally, in what you are doing. In making a salad, spanking a child, caressing your wife, or holding a communion cup, you are …
God Restores All His People
God delights to restore His people, and we are convinced that He is in the process of doing so. At the same time, be aware that the enemy of our souls does not leave such restorations unopposed. We will be attacked, and we will be attacked where we are the weakest. When God restores His …
Arranged On The Altar
The Word of God is like a very sharp sword, and the Bible teaches us that preparation for worship is actually preparation to be cut in pieces so that God might place us on His altar. As He does this, we ascend before Him in the smoke of the burnt offering. Our prayers, our psalms, …
Proof-reading Your Life
“At thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore” (Ps. 16: 11) Growing Dominion, Part 56 Each of us is telling a story every day, and we are the central character in the story we tell. We tell the story, but many of us do not have the perspective to proof-read our own story, the …