Fullness and Overflow

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Who are you? What are you doing here? How did it come about that you are now here? The instruments used by God are many, but the fundamental answer is that you are here at worship because you have been called, summoned.

God wants you to hear His Word. He requires you to worship Him, singing with a full heart before Him. He has declared that you are to gather with other grateful saints in order to overflow. And in a great gospel paradox, the more you overflow, the more you are filled. Like the widow’s cruse of oil at Elijah’s word, the more you are poured out the more full you get.

Conversely, when you seek to “worship” with the thought of what is in it for you, the more hollow, empty and wretched you become. Are you wretched? Then turn away to worship God through Christ. Are you hollow? Then consider why. Turn to God, worship Him, bow down before Him, praise and adore Him, and give Him the name that is above every name — and especially above your little name. Your name is a wisp of fog, and the name of God fills heaven and earth. When you worship His name, through the name of Jesus Christ, His name fills you, and overflows. And nothing else can.

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