Introduction: What I want to present here tonight is an introduction or a primer on trusting the Lord for the salvation of your kids. We do not have a bag of tricks or techniques which, if you use, your kids will magically “turn out.” There are certain parental principles which contain a lot of wisdom, …
The Grace of Failure
Introduction: Many Christians are dogged by two words, and those words are success and failure. We are lured on by the first, and chased down alleys by the second. We are harried by their plain definitions, ...
Tell It Not in Gath
Introduction: There is little doubt in my mind that America is currently being chastised by the Lord, and He must have sent a great angel of frenzy upon us to do it. One of the evidences of such chastisement ...
The Revival to Come
For many years, we have been praying for reformation and revival. As the years have progressed, the obvious need for such a work of the Spirit has become increasingly obvious, and as far as our natural ...
The Best Thing You Could Do This Summer
We are about to embark on another summer of reading through the New Testament. If you are like many other Christians, you know that this is a good thing to do, but you may not be exactly sure why. This is quite all right as far as it goes. There are many things that are …
Bible Reading and a Little Kvelling The apostle Paul knew what it was like to do a little kvelling in his people, as do I. “. . . we are your boast as you also are ours, ...
Craven or Bold?
One of the mysteries of our relationship to God and our relationship to the world is the inverse demeanor that exists between humbling and boldness. When God is great and man is small, the result is humility before God and boldness before men. But when man is great and God is small, the thing goes …
Peter and His Daughter
Peter was a tall, intelligent and gregarious member of the church. He was a family man, and his family also seemed pretty interested and engaged in the life of the community. He was always there on the premises when expected, but when it came to theology he was never one for questions. He always looked …
The Flameout and Slow Fade
Hank and his wife Suzanne were one of the most active couples in the church. They were leaders in their home-schooling circle, and had been instrumental in getting many parents in the congregation to take their educational responsibilities seriously. In addition to being charismatic and hard-working, they were attractive people, and their young family would …
Just Not When It Mattered
Jack was in many ways an ideal parishioner. He was married, gainfully employed, and with two young children in upper elementary school. He was happily married, and conscientious in church attendance. In addition to this, he was the kind of church member who would diligently seek out pastoral counsel. If he had a situation with …