I want to take just a moment to recount the Lord’s goodness to me. Just as unexpressed honor is dishonor, so also unexpressed gratitude is ingratitude. One of the things that the psalmist knew how to do was itemize (e.g Ps. 136).
The only reference I will make to the tumultuous times in which we live will be here, the first thing mentioned. I am grateful to God that He has placed us in this time, so that we could be faithful to Him in this time. Any other time would have been ill-suited because God does all things well. So instead of asking why God has given “these times” to us, we ought to be asking why God gave us to “these times.” The joy of the Lord is our strength, and is not just what we are fighting for. It is what we are to fight with.
That said, let us move on to the list of blessings to be grateful for.
As I render praise to God, the first thing to note is that He has condescended to be our God, and has given Himself to us in and through Christ. Because it is either Christ or chaos, without Christ we would still be denizens of the chaos, without God and without hope in the world. But as it is, we have a sure word in a dark place. We have a light for our feet, a guide for our path. We are oriented, and we have received full forgiveness for our previous disorientation. So the first thing I am thankful for is what every Christian everywhere is thankful for, and that is the person and work of the Lord Jesus Christ, and for the Scriptures that tell us all about it.
And then there is my family, beginning with the central grace of our family, who would of course be Nancy. I do in fact have a crown, and she is it. We have been together coming up on 46 years, and the Lord has been profoundly kind to us in our family. We have three grown children who all married intelligently and well, and we have seventeen grandchildren, from grad school down to first grade, and they all love the Lord. Everyone lives here in Moscow, and we all get together weekly, which gives us plenty of sabbath practice for the Thanksgiving feast we will share this afternoon. Just imagine what the pies are going to be like.
I am privileged to be the pastor of an exuberant and godly and hard-working community of saints. They work as hard as the Ephesians did, and they are not wavering from their first love. The community at Christ Church is a wonderful community. In addition, this community is functioning at the center of a thriving Christian community here in Moscow that is significantly broader than our congregation. And that network of saints is connected to other believers all over the world, and so I am grateful for the Communion of Reformed Evangelical Churches. Those churches have been a real beacon over the last year, utilizing the drastic technique of staying open, despite what the medi-tyrants thought about it.
I am grateful for all the people who have worked alongside me in the reformation of our systems of education, from Logos School, to New St. Andrews, to the Association of Classical Christian Schools. There is so much promise there.
It would be hard for me to express how much I admire the work ethic of the folks at Canon Press. We have been privileged to see a trickle of publications turn into a torrent, and the current worker bees there want to see even that torrent multiply. Stand by, as we used to say in the Navy.
I am really grateful for the faithful cadre of my readers here at Mablog, who come to take in why I have to say. You don’t owe me any attention, and yet you give it. Thank you. I am leaving the comments open so that you can say, “You’re welcome.” I am really grateful that I am not yelling into a can.
Of course the danger that comes with itemizing people that you are grateful for lies in the fact that you are bound to leave somebody out. And so I hereby declare that I am grateful for everybody, and have therefore left nobody out. I am grateful for them all, from my great, great, great grandmother who stopped being coy with my great, great, great grandfather, down to the last person who handed me a sandwich at a drive-through window.
And so I will shift to inanimate tools, because I can’t leave them out, but I will end there. They won’t mind being at the tail end of the list. I am grateful for my truck, for my computers, for my Logos Bible software, for my books—whether paper, digital, or audible, for my three acres, and for batteries. Never forget the batteries.
Well said, brother. And somewhere near the top of our thanksgiving list is your faithful ministry in concert with Christ Church, the CREC, Knox Presbytery and Canon Press. Methinks the best is yet to some. So again, thanks (and you’re welcome.)
Thank you for all you do Doug, you truly inspire me to be a godly man and to glorify God with everything. Happy Thanksgiving!
You’re welcome!
Happy Thanksgiving, and the obligatory you’re welcome! Though really I am saying thank YOU so much for providing this and for all the insight you have shared.
All praise and honor and glory and above all, THANKS be unto the Lord!
You are of course welcome Doug, and thank you in turn. Thank you not just for the years of free content, or tolerating the circus of nonsense we so regularly dance around you in the comment section, but thank you for being more interested in truth than comfort. I grew up in western Washington to a Christian family with a rigorously studious theological background that didn’t actually go to church. Why? Because your choices of church fell into three categories. Apostate, shallow to the point of meaninglessness, and idolatrous of social convention. So I grew up and got married and… Read more »
Well yes. That’s what I was trying to include with a bit of subtlety with the quotation marks.
Thank you! And Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family! Extended family included. I’m so grateful for your words, your work, and your writing these many years to be a beacon of light for my heart and thoughts.
Obviously I can’t know the Apostles, outside of scripture, but I can know you, and for this I am very, very, thankful.
May God continue to bless you Happy Warrior, and your family.
Thank you sir!
You are welcome! And I am thankful for you, Doug.
And thanks go back to you for all your good words. We have never met, but I am grateful for all your encouragements over the years.
And good to be reminded about the batteries – they really are true blessings from the LORD 😀
You’re welcome, and I’m so grateful for you and Nancy as well. Blessings!
You are welcome and thank you for keeping Christ number one! And please say thank you to Nancy for she has been a tremendous blessing to me also.
You’re welcome.
I’m grateful for you and your ministry, along with your family who are all so productive with writing books, podcasting etc. I prayed that God will continue to bless you and use you to bless so many others. Happy Thanksgiving!
You are welcome. And I am most grateful to the Lord for leading me into the web of your ministry.
You are welcome and thanks for shining the light on Whom we are most thankful.
Amen! Thank you and you’re welcome.
“I would maintain that thanks are the highest form of thought, and that gratitude is happiness doubled by wonder.”
G. K. CHESTERTON (Thusly quoted in the Epoch Times Morning Brief from today.)
Very nice statement of thankfulness, pastor. One thing for which I am thankful is this blog and all the other work you are doing.
giving thanks in all circumstances (including for you and the work of all associated with you there in Moscow), rejoicing always and praying continually
You are welcome, Pastor Wilson.
Thank you for your persistent hard work and faithfully following the Lord over all these years by God’s grace and for the all knowledge and (apparently) wisdom you have accumulated over all these years by God’s grace and for being so “accessible” and engaging with folks and sharing it.
And thanks again for answering (my) questions here on your website.
I hope for me it is a case of “iron sharpening iron” reading here and thinking about what you have to say.
Thank you so much Doug, the ministry of Christ Church has been a spiritual ballast for us here in Canada for many years. Here’s to many more.
Thank you for all you and your family and church has done for me, my family, and so many others.
heavy rolls, batteries, and pies. Oh my.
From the good old Credenda times, around 1995, you have been a source of blessings to me, my family, and beyond. Still here, still reading, still listening, still taking notes, still smiling, still praying for you. Thank you, and I thank the Lord for you.
Well first off, you are most welcome.
That being said, thank you for your writing, your ministry and for being a faithful voice.
“I would maintain that thanks are the highest form of thought, and that gratitude is happiness doubled by wonder.”—G. K. Chesterton.
Or, to put it in terms du jour:
“Blog gratitude matters”. 😏👍🔥
“I wish it need not have happened in my time,” said Frodo. “So do I,” said Gandalf, “and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.”
How could I not listen, your clever turns of phrase are a wonderful attraction. But your illumination and lessons fill me with gratitude. Thank you, as well!
You’re welcome! And thank you. Among my blessings I count you and the people here. (Yes, even that one.)
You and Nancy and the fruit of your hands have made a permanent difference for good in my life, my family’s life, and in the communities of the several cities we have lived in. I thank God for sending you for such a time as this.
Thank you for your work. May the Lord bless you and keep you and yours.
Grateful for you Doug. Never forget those batteries.
Thanks to our Lord all around. I am thankful for your ministry, your steadfastness through trial, and for walking the talk. Not only have you instructed my family through the printed word, but you also demonstrate it.
Thank you for passing along my need of a new career to those who needed a new finance guy.
And from one who has been reading and listening (often in the sweltering heat of East Texas with a glass of iced tea), you are quite welcome. I’ll be here as long as you are.
Doug, a big Thank You for your diligence. May you stand before kings.
Thank YOU for helping us to understand what it means to stand for our Lord in the midst of this world we have been given to. Also… your welcome… :)