“At thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore” (Ps. 16: 11) Growing Dominion, Part 95 “Commit thy works unto the Lord, and thy thoughts shall be established” (Prov. 16:3). It is important for us to dedicate our business to God. Unless the Lord builds the house, the one who builds it labors in vain. …
Colliding Cultural Disciplines
We are not just entertained by our amusements, we are shaped by them. If those entertainments are worldly, the world behind them is working energetically to press us into its mold, and to make us conform to its wisdom. At the same time, the worship of God is shaping us, and is recreating us so …
Real Fellowship
We sometimes like our fellowship in small doses. We love being around other Christians if we can only arrange to have them available on tap. Turn it on when we want, and turn it off when we want. This is why weekend retreats are sometimes attractive. We get a good dose of other people, but …
Confessing the Crass
James tells us that fresh water and brackish water should not flow from the same spring. The apostle Paul forbids a particular form of coarse jesting, and says that every word that proceeds from our mouths should be for the edification of the hearer. Our worship this morning is the fresh water. What has the …
Actually Praying for Turmoil
It is too easy to pray glibly for reformation. Who could be against that? But know that whenever God has shown His kindness in purifying His church, one of the immediate results is always turmoil. The overall result, of course, is reformation, and later historians will write about how glorious it was to be alive …
What He Purchased, He Will Have
As we gather to worship the Lord, we need to remember. This is one of the great requirements found in many place throughout the Bible—remember. But we are not called to remember a random collection of denominational distinctives. This kind of thing is done so that we can keep denominations and churches straight in our …
Grace Without Walls
As we come to God to worship Him, our constant prayer should be that He makes us unable to stand before His holy presence. When this happens, there is always a winnowing effect in the church. One of the names historians give to such winnowings is reformation. Men love religion when that religion enables them …
Complaints and Complaining
We cannot have a body of saints this size in this world without having that body contain a significant number of complaints. Every complaint has two components. The first is the objective aspect, the offense, or irritation, or annoyance. Sometimes this problem is not truly objective – it is possible to believe someone has sinned …
Jesus Is Lord. No, Really.
We are gathered here as the people of God, summoned to be citizens of new polis, a new city, a new kingdom. This kingdom is not intended to function as a sort of shadow government until the end of the world, constantly out of touch, constantly impotent. No, this kingdom was designed to grow and …
Say It Again
You know that God is the only Lord. You know that He is to be worshiped in accordance with His holy Word. You know that the gospel is the only life to be had in this wretched world. But remember also that this gospel proclaims a new creation, a new heaven and new earth. This …