The Wine Is Better

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We gather together now, in accordance with the will of God, and under the protections provided by His Spirit, and in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Remember that at the conclusion of our service of worship we gather at the table of the Lord. All baptized Christians are welcome at this table, and so we gladly invite you to partake together with us. It is our responsibility to discern the body of the Lord as we do so, but take care. We are to discern the entire body of the Lord, head and body together. This is not as heavy and theological as it sounds. What it means (at least initially) is that you are to see Christ in your husband, your wife, your children, your neighbor. And this means that you are to see them all as one loaf. The loaf of Jesus’ body was broken so that our brokenness could be made one. When the loaf is broken here, and then distributed, you should then see the many pieces eaten together, and then coming together again. The fraction is not permanent. Eve was separated from Adam in order to be made one with him. The bread is broken in order to be made whole again.

So, when you squabble, quarrel, fight, agitate, or mutter, you are not discerning the Lord’s body. Do you have a quarrel in your hands? You must put it down in order to hold the bread and cup rightly. I speak particularly to you children coming to the table. You do not have to be trained theologians to partake in the right way. But you do have to see Jesus Christ in your older brothers and younger sisters.

And to all – do you have bitterness in your heart? See to it that it does not defile many. Put it aside. The wine is better.

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