Ingratitude and Health

“At thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore” (Ps. 16: 11) Growing Dominion, Part 18 When it comes to health issues, we are not mindful enough of optical illusions. One of the basic illusions proceeds from the progress that God has given to us, and the reason we fall for the illusion is our …

Sabbath Rest

The Puritan John Owen once remarked that through various controversies the Sabbath itself had been given very little rest. We should pray that this will not be the case in our treatment of it. In this installment, we will outline some of the basic principles concerning the Lord’s Day, and in the next we will …

Change of Heart

What are we to say to the view that the Bible does not teach that some people are individually ‘regenerated’? A view that locates perseverance in an ongoing and mysterious wrestling of the Spirit, rather than in a change of nature of those elected to heaven? If the Spirit wrestles with all baptized believers, but …