Acts of the Apostles (10): Sermon Video Introduction: The God of all creation is, of necessity, the God of all history. It is not possible to separate the two, and any attempts to separate ...
Jumping Off the Barn
“Brash and confident, the inventor stands perched on the roof of the barn. Strapped to his arms, and across his back, is a flying contraption of his own devising. It is made of wood, wire, and canvas; a modern Daedelus stands ready to take flight. He believes, and believes strongly, that he has conquered the …
Reading Both the Word and the World
Introduction: Experiencing blessings without understanding the foundation of those blessing is to dance blindfold along the edge of a precipice. As Cotton Mather once put it, faithfulness begat prosperity, ...
No Other Name
Acts of the Apostles (9): Sermon Video Introduction: The foundation of the Christian church was the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, and because His execution had been perpetrated by ...
Times of Refreshing on the Threshold of Doom
Acts of the Apostles (8): Sermon Video Introduction: Jesus Christ was a murder victim, killed by the ungodly men who ran the ecclesiastical machinery of ancient Jerusalem. They thought that ...
In All His Holy Mountain
“The Lord said to my Lord sit at my right hand till I make your enemies your footstool” (Psalm 110:1). After the Lord Jesus completed his perfect work of salvation He ascended into heaven, and on clouds of glory He approached the Ancient of Days. The Lord Christ, the Great High Priest, presented His perfect …
Healing at the Beautiful Gate
Acts of the Apostles (7): Sermon Video Introduction: Faith in the power of Christ is not at all the same thing as faith in the power of faith. In this passage, Peter says explicitly that it ...
Gladness and Simplicity of Heart
Acts of the Apostles (6): Sermon Video Introduction: The evildoers running the Sanhedrin were now confronted with a real problem. The man they had unjustly murdered had come back from the dead—His ...
The Great and Terrible Day of the Lord
Acts of the Apostles (5): Sermon Video Introduction: We saw last week that the gift of tongues was a marvelous blessing for those who had ears to hear. For believers, the point was all about ...
Ethan and Louisa
On a couple’s wedding day, everything is wonderful, and this is just as it should be. The future really is bright, and among all earthly blessings and goods, marriage ranks with the best. But at the ...