In one sense, all baptisms are infant baptisms. When someone comes to Christ, they are instructed to take in the pure milk of the Word, in a way similar to what a newborn baby does. “As newborn babes, desire the sincere milk of the word, that ye may grow thereby” (1 Peter 2:2). It is …
The Wise Men and the Nations
Sermon Video Introduction: This part of the Christmas story is not a stand-alone story. In the narrative, we find a type of how all the rulers of this world will eventually come to kiss the Son. ...
A Star Out of Jacob
Sermon Video Introduction: One of the most familiar elements of the Christmas story is the star of Bethlehem. But at the same time, it remains one of the most unknown features of the story—because ...
Born to Die
Sermon Video Introduction: As we continue meditating on the meaning of Advent, we are not really resisting attempts to make Christmas meaningless so much as we are fighting with alternative meanings. ...
A Christmas Sunrise
Sermon Video Introduction: And the evening and the morning were the eighth day. We should not be surprised at the pattern of darkness and then light, a pattern which we see not only in the creation ...
A Deuteronomic Thanksgiving
I trust that you will not take it amiss if I wish you and yours a very full and complete Thanksgiving. If drowsiness is caused by tryptophan, which it might not be, may your turkey be unusually full of it, and may your nap be most pleasant. These good wishes include both my enemies and …
The Word That Grows
Acts of the Apostles (14): Sermon Video Introduction: We see in this passage the formation of the Christian diaconate. The noun for deacon is not used here, but the context makes it pretty ...
John Grauke, RIP
As you have all just heard in Isaac’s eulogy, John grew up in a Christian home, fell away from the faith, and then was summoned back to life again in a cave in Nepal. There is a reality embodied here ...
The Honor of Dishonor, the Grace of Disgrace
Acts of the Apostles (13): Sermon Video Introduction: One of the more remarkable blessings that the presence of the Holy Spirit brings is the ability He gives to believers to suffer scorn gladly. ...
The Unchained Word of Life
Acts of the Apostles (12): Sermon Video Introduction: The Founder of the Christian faith, the Lord Jesus, was murdered by the authorities. This is a fact that cannot be emphasized too much. ...