Suppose for Just a Moment That Trump Takes It Walking Away

Introduction: We do not yet know if this is what will happen, but we should at least know that this is what we should be bracing for. I know, it is almost a year until the voting in the general election happens, and I also know that these months could be a political eternity. All …

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Film Experts: Why Christian Movies Are a Joke

A symposium in Hollywood took a surprising turn yesterday, when a panel of experts spent about ten minutes bashing the evangelical film “industry.” Since the normal pattern for Hollywood insiders is to refuse even to acknowledge the existence of any such industry, observers took careful note of what was said. The discussion began with a …

Unspoken Blessings

“And the earth would go around the sun ten entire times before he had finally met Cindi, who, as Puritans go, was as hot as it gets. And, John thought smugly to himself, for those who think that means ‘not very,’ he could write a book, although no Christian publisher would ever touch it. She could make him bleed from both his ears, like some very happy kind of parachute accident. John grinned inside his head.”

Evangellyfish, p. 132

2020 Vision/The Year Many Christians Began to See Clearly

Introduction: To review, things are quite a mess. Not only are they quite a mess, but it is difficult to imagine that the pickle we have gotten ourselves into would have been at all visible from the vantage point of the eighties, say. Let us pretend that some mischievous hippie back then slipped some acid …

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