Dangerous Women & Sexual Apologetics: The sessions from GraceAgenda 2016’s pre-conference seminars are now available over at ChristKirk.com! Do It Yourself!: Highly Commended: Brad Littlejohn is to be thanked for offering a detailed blog analysis of Peter Leithart’s recent book Delivered From the Elements of the World. This is the first installment, and all the …
The Content Cluster Muster (07.07.16)
Wordsmithy: Workshop for Writers: Registration is now open for this year’s Wordsmithy conference! We are very excited to have Peter Hitchens join us. REGISTER HERE Post-College: Life Hacks for Christians Conference: Collegiate Reformed Fellowship is a ministry of Christ Church and they are putting on a great conference this fall for “post-college” students. REGISTER HERE To …
The Content Cluster Muster (6.30.16)
Loving Brothers in Error: From Pastor Toby, very good observations here! Here’s an excerpt: Given the harsh world around us full of violence and terror and murder, the Church is called to be a massively different kind of place. We have the blood of Jesus that is for the reconciliation of all things in heaven …
The Content Cluster Muster (6.23.16)
The Trinity and Narrow Gauge Complementarianism: If you are following the current debate on the Trinity — and why wouldn’t you be? — I would also encourage you to throw this in the mix. Part of our problem is that we are debating a very narrow gauge complementarianism, as opposed to a full-orbed comprehensive complementarianism. …
Content Cluster Muster (6.16.16)
Socialism’s Lonely Eden: Chad Ashby deals with the edenic longing that–though distorted–is hidden away in the socialist worldview. Many good observations are made here, although I would want to take it a few steps further. I don’t believe that socialism deals ineffectually with murderous Cain; I believe socialism is murderous Cain. What is the ‘Peculiar’ …
Content Cluster Muster (6.9.16)
: So What’s This About?: Lord willing, and the crik don’t rise, I hope that this will be a new weekly feature here at Mablog. At lot is going on around here, and it is sometimes easy to assume that everyone knows about what everyone actually does not know about. So everything else being equal, …