The Content Cluster Muster (06.17.21)

Psalm 37: He Fades Away: The Heart of Christ: For I will remove the names of the Baals from her mouth…: Socialization, Aye: Jokes I Like to Tell: Once there was a small, mousy looking man who was seated at a bar, having a drink. He was minding his own business, sitting quietly at the …

The Content Cluster Muster (06.10.21)

There’s a Metaphor Here…Drop your caption in the comments: Beauteous: And, as always, more here. Jokes I Like to Tell: A pedantic instructor of English grammar at a university was teaching his class, and the question of double negatives came up. As he was one who liked showing off a little, whenever the opportunity arose …

The Content Cluster Muster (06.03.21)

This is a Great One: And I discovered, to my delight, that we were thoughtful enough to include it in our new Cantus—#435 Good News, Girls: Jokes I Like to Tell: One time there was this hot shot seminary student. He was very intelligent, and industrious, and ambitious, and thus it was that he …

The Content Cluster Muster (05.27.21)

Mozart on Banjo: The toothpick kind of gives it away . . . Jokes I Like to Tell: Late one Friday afternoon, a minister was walking through his sanctuary on the way to his car. As it happened, the afternoon sun broke through the clouds and hit the stained glass window of the sanctuary, and …

The Content Cluster Muster (05.13.21)

Open Road by the Sea: And more here. Screwtape for Women: Some good stuff here and here. Some Lessons We All Need to Master: And I am talking about the fundamental rules of politics. Jokes I Like to Tell: One time an elderly man and his wife were unfortunately killed in a car accident. But …

The Content Cluster Muster (05.06.21)

Reformed Basics: Creator/Creature: Understated: And of course, more here. You Renegade, You: Jokes I Like to Tell: Once there was a happy and very verbal family, mom and dad, and four kids. All of them were garrulous, and loved to speak their minds. Their dinner table conversation was almost always on the exuberant side. Things …

The Content Cluster Muster (04.15.21)

Holsterzz: A friend of mine makes holsters, and they have a great deal running. You really ought to check it out here. Jars of Pickles: “There is no meaningful distinction between men and women.”— Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) April 11, 2021 Sky Above You Optional: As always, and quite consistently, more here. So Aren’t …