The good folks at St. Anne’s Pub have interviewed Nathan on the fascinating subject of the Shroud of Turin, and that interview is available for a listen here. While you are there, take a look at the other stuff they have available.
America: Empire in Denial?
In the most recent edition of World that I have (Feb. 26), Andree Seu summarizes the views of Niall Ferguson, author of a book named Colossus: The Price of America’s Empire. It is difficult to know how much of Ferguson’s view Seu actually endorses, but the impression left is that of clear support and go-team-go-ism. …
The Scots/Irish
Just finished reading Born Fighting by James Webb, a book with tremendous explanatory power. It is a history of the Scots and Scots/Irish from their early conflict with the Romans, to the times of William Wallace, to the settlement of Protestants in Ireland, and then to the great migration to America. The latter half of …
Black and Tan
Last year when the slavery booklet flap was at its height, and the booklet itself was out of print, I said that the material was going to be released in revised form. Well, that form has grown into a small book, and the day of publication draweth nigh. The title of the book is Black …
White Supremacy, Ha
“Which brings up another point: why is it that the “supremacists” among us behave the way they do? If there is a kid in seventh grade who is busy heaping contempt upon the heads of the fifth graders, it is likely that he is not exactly the class genius. He is struggling to fulfill his …
The Sorcerer’s Apprentice
In Scripture, one of the consistent prayers that God’s people offer up in the midst of harassment from their adversaries is that those adversaries would fall into the pit that they are busy digging. The Bible points to the reality of this in many ways. “You reap what you sow. The judgment with which you …
Bright Red Orthodoxy
I appreciate what my friend John Armstrong has to say about postmodernism here. The postmodernists have climbed into the car of modernity’s premises, and have driven it into a tree. What the postmodernists do not appear to grasp, however, is that mumbling incoherently to oneself in the wreckage of that old car does not constitute …
Intolerista Slogans
As some of you know, a week or so ago, the Intoleristas launched a new attack on us here in Moscow. But because their behavior is now getting out to the skinny branches, Jim Fisher of the Lewiston Morning Tribune wrote an editorial that attempted to talk them down out of their tree. “Come to …
Anyone who really believes that yeast works through the loaf slowly is an incrementalist. Anyone who holds that the biblical pattern is reformation, and not impatient revolution, is an incrementalist. Many “clear-headed” individuals on the hard right are functional revolutionaries and not conservatives at all because of their inability to grasp this. Brian Mattson is …
President Bush and the High Places
Brian Mattson, of The Banty Rooster, has raised some interesting questions about my characterization of President Bush as a false teacher. In response to this, Mattson cites the biblical example of Asa. “But back to the issue about President Bush. All I want to do is quote 1 Kings 15.14: “Although he did not remove …