Gambling and Faith

“At thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore” (Ps. 16: 11) Growing Dominion, Part 38 In the last installment, we addressed the fact that luck governs nothing. Our triune God oversees all things that happen, and He does so in a particular and personal way. Not a sparrow falls to the ground apart from …

Murder and Folly in Atlanta

The courtroom shooting in Atlanta has served to illustrate, as though we needed another illustration of it, the mind-numbing stubbornness of the current PC codes. The murders of the judge and two others occurred, along with an apparent fourth victim later, because a large, muscular defendant was escorted to court, guarded by a female sherriff’s …

World Battles Zondervan

The good folks at World magazine have been fighting the good fight with the Bible-mongers over at Zondervan. This fight has revolved around the efforts of the latter to market a version of the Bible (the TNIV) that has “gender-accurate” pronouns. This, apparently to distance themselves from the gender-inaccurate translation they did earlier, called the …