An editorial writer for the Lewiston Tribune wrote that folks should “quit picking on” me, and I appreciate the sentiment. But this expression of charity was too much for one letter writer, a woman named Joan Opyr, who wrote an indignant response. It turns out that I have been picking on Moscow — for several …
Wahoo From the Yahoos
This falls under the heading of prayer request and thanksgiving. We are now in the week running up to our Trinity Fest, and all the indications show that we are set for a great conference. Registrations have been strong, the scheduled events are much broader and deeper than we used to have at the old …
Important Trinity Fest Announcement
We only have a week before Trinity Fest begins, and we have an important announcement connected with this. Before getting to that, let me encourage those who have not yet registered to go ahead and do so, and to come. This whole event gets more interesting every day. And that leads me to the announcement. …
Hot Providence
Below is a small piece I wrote for a Christ Church cookbook which, Lord wiling, will be out in the near future. Maybe by Trinity Fest. The name of the cookbook will be Hot Providence, and so stay tuned. In this short essay I advance the culinary argument for God’s existence, which Thomas Acquinas somehow …
Jeremiah the Babylonian Tank Gunner
I don’t know what the deal is with World magazine, but the most recent issue has gummed something up again. Just before a very good summary of an article that I co-wrote with Doug Jones (“Owning the Curse”), Gene Veith destroys the value of that accurate summary by his introduction to it, which goes like …
Toward That Recovery We Labor
Brian over at the Banty Rooster wrote me privately, and believing his question to be quite a reasonable one, I am taking the liberty of answering him publicly. Here is Brian: “I appreciate the clarification of your position re: homosexuality. I notice, however, that in reminding readers of what your original article actually said, you …
Can’t Keep A Secret Anymore
So check out the “news in brief” at Lark News. Looks like everybody is on to us now.
But Secularism Really Is Ugly
In the world of postmodern politics, truth does not matter — and pressure does. One of the reasons postmodern theorists say that all truth constructions are really just disguised power grabs is to disable any who oppose them. Once the decks are cleared for action, up they jump with their own construction which (mysteriously) is …
Lady Huntington
Whenever Lt. William Morris was angry, he would simply swallow and grow a little colder. An intense and disciplined man, he was not given to outbursts, but the anger was still there, each incident taking it a little deeper. Hungry for glory, he had surpassed heroism in several encounters with the Royal Navy, and was …
Christ in the Public Square
The Banty Rooster is glad for my clarification on “owning the curse” the other day, and has no real problem with my position now, as clarified. But he still thinks this amounts to a rhetorical reversal from what we published last year in our “Sodom As Yawnsville” issue of Credenda. So I thought I would …