Somebody’s Idea of An Argument

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Just finished talking with the cops about an incident last evening. When I came home last night (June 26, 2006), I checked our mailbox by the road before heading up the driveway. The mailbox contained a used condom, or a condom doctored to look as though it had been used. Now there are two basic possibilities here. One of them is that this is some drunk frat boy’s idea of random acts of kindness. The cop told me that while such incidents are not common, they do sometimes happen. But, honestly, given the climate that the Intoleristas have tried to create here in Moscow, what are the odds of that? The much more likely possibility is that an unstable someone took his inspiration from the rancor that Intoleristas have been assiduously cultivating. This, um, open-minded activist was therefore making his anonymous statement. He is no doubt concerned that if I am allowed to continue to preach the gospel the way I do, and write the way I do, the distinct danger exists that there might be a degradation of our public discourse. And of course, the kind of person who would do this kind of thing is very concerned about degraded public discourse. The hypocrisy of the Tolerant has long since blocked their drains, has backed up, and is all over their floor. I even found some in my mailbox last night.

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