Best Kept in the History Books
“The curators of the Reformation Museum want everyone to stay behind the velvet ropes, to leave the old books on their shelves, and coo over the wax reproduction of John Knox confronting Mary Queen of Scots. Then everyone is given a brochure reminding everyone to not try this at home.”
In No Way Possible
“Jesus Christ is a federal head, and consequently, it is not possible for anything He said or did to be withheld from His people. All that He did, whether positive obedience or obedient suffering, is imputed to us.”
The Moral Obligation of Knowing What the Heck Is Going On
Introduction to a Disjointed Rant, orProlegomena to Any Future Diatribes: So the Supreme Court of the State of Colorado determined that Donald Trump was ineligible to be on the ballot in Colorado, and so I wanted to share some of my thoughts with you. I thought it was time for me to share my heart. …
To Speak Frankly
“I hold that if any of my good works attempted to contribute to my justification before God, then they should be slathered with bacon grease and thrown into hell.”
Letters to Help You Not Think Too Much About What Presents You Might Get
Letter to the Editor: Why should or shouldn’t churches incorporate? And where do you land? Joshua -- Doug responds: Joshua, laws vary from state to state, so this ...
Or Even Thicker
“I hold that the covenant of grace can only be broken by those members of it who were not determined by God before the foundation of the world to inherit eternal life. For those who were so determined to that eternal salvation, the covenant of grace is a slab of titanium fifty feet thick.”
Toppling the Cosplay Satan
Introduction: There is always some crazy story to write about, isn't there? So over the last few weeks, this happened. A Satanist group arranged to have a Satanist display erected in the Iowa ...
The Grace of Covenant Keeping
“The grace of covenant-keeping is not to be confounded with the terms or stipulations of the covenant. A man whose wife dies is free to marry another, and he is to exhibit the same fidelity to each wife. That doesn’t make the two women into one woman.”