Cultural Inferiority

“Genetic or racial determinism is no better. It will come as a surprise to American readers, perhaps, to learn that the majority of the British underclass is white, and that it demonstrates all the same social pathology as the black underclass in America—for very similar reasons, of course” (Theodore Dalrymple, Life at the Bottom, p. …

Multi-Culti Vengeance

“[A]nd when he repeatedly exposed the follies of these policies in print, the advocates of ‘diversity’—who maintain that all cultures are equal but that opinions other than their own are forbidden—mounted a vicious and vituperative campaign against him . . . Hell, it seems, hath no fury like a multi-culturalist contradicted” (Theodore Dalrymple, Our Culture, …

Compromise #1

Chapter Two of Darryl Hart’s A Secular Faith was, as you may recall, a really disappointing treatment of the theocratic and establishmentarian convictions of the Westminster Assembly. This next chapter was quite different — all of it was admirable, and most of it was simply outstanding. Darryl begins by showing how two early presidents, Jefferson …

Religion of Force

“Clearly Islam is a religion of force which denies basic freedom. It may not be politically correct to say so, but pretending that the Quran is a pacifist document and that Islam has a consistent track record of peace and tolerance is either foolish or deceitful” (Peter Hammond, Slavery, Terrorism & Islam, p. 46).

Don’t Know What We Think Anymore

“Thanks to the sexual revolution, current confusions are manifold. In a society that forms sexual liaisons with scarcely a thought, a passing suggestive remark can result in a lawsuit; the use of explicit sexual language is de rigeur in literary circles, but medical journals fear to print the word ‘prostitute’ and use the delicate euphemism …

Jupiterian Amillennialism

Darryl Hart is easy to read, but, in another sense, he is very hard to read. His second chapter “Whose Freedom, Which Liberty?” is a treasure trove of historical information, but his discussion also includes, it must be said, an astonishing oversight. I don’t know what — other than an amillennialism that appears to have …